Red-eyed Vireo - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Eastern Phoebe - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Black & White Warbler - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Pearl Crescent - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Eastern Bluebird - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Blue-Winged Warbler - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Red-tailed Hawk - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Mourning Dove - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Veery - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Common Whitetail - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Chestnut-sided Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

first year Cooper's Hawk - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Wood Thrush - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Pine Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Willow Flycatcher - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Wood Duck - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

House Wren - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Pearl Crescent - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Turkey Vulture - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Male Common Yellowthroat - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Female Common Yellowthroat - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Cedar Waxwing - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Gray Catbird - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

American Goldfinch- Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Magnolia Warbler - Migrant Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Blue Dasher - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Eastern Towhee - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

White-throated Sparrow - wintering species

Chimney Swift - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Snapping Turtle - Resident Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Pine Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Black & White Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Eastern Phoebe - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Eastern Phoebe - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Eastern Bluebird - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Eastern Bluebird - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Eastern Bluebird - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Eastern Bluebird - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

first year Eastern Bluebird - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Blue-Winged Warbler - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Blue-Winged Warbler - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Blue-Winged Warbler - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Blue-winged Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Chestnut-sided Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Chestnut-sided Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Veery - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Veery - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Veery - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Veery - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Veery - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Veery - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Veery - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Pine Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Pine Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Pine Warbler - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

first year Cooper's Hawk - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

first year Cooper's Hawk - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Willow Flycatcher - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

House Wren - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Turkey Vulture - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Turkey Vulture - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Mourning Dove - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve; seen year round

Eastern Towhee - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Eastern Towhee - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Eastern Towhee - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Female Rose Breasted Grosbeak - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Female Common Yellowthroat - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Wood Thrush with chick in nest - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Gray Catbird - Nesting Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Snapping Turtles - Resident Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Snapping Turtles - Resident Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Snapping Turtles - Resident Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Snapping Turtles - Resident Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Snapping Turtles - Resident Species of Angle Fly Preserve

Red-eyed Vireo - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Red-eyed Vireo - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve

Red-eyed Vireo - Nesting species of Angle Fly Preserve