Red-winged Blackbirds are the harbingers of spring at the Marsh.

Nesting Osprey are not far behind.

The Marsh Wren's call is the iconic sound of the Marsh, your best chance of seeing this elusive bird is to quietly paddle by kayak or canoe through the channels and experience the onslaught of Wrens staking out their territories in spring and summer.

The chatter of nesting Belted Kingfishers are always a welcome sound.

For years the Marsh was known for its wintering Bald Eagle population but now nesting birds make eagle viewing a year round occurance.

By mid-July Great Blue Herons, done with their nesting cycle in other locations begin to be seen in large numbers throughout the Marsh.

Along with their smaller cousin, the Green Heron, which nests in the Marsh.

Dragonflies abound throughout the Marsh.

By fall, huge numbers of Swallows being to stage in the Marsh getting ready for their southbound migration.

Feeding on the wing.

Chimney Swifts are local breeders.