Plain-backed Antpitta

Sparkling Violetear

Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner

Golden-collared Honeycreeper

Wire-crested Thorntail

Gray-cheeked Thrush

Plumbeous Pigeon

Common Today Flycatcher

Ochre-brested Antpitta

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker

Wire-crested Thorntail

Black-mantled Tamarin Monkey

Yellow-throated Toucan

Green Hermit

Black-throated Mango


Plain-backed Antpitta

Violet-fronted Brilliant

Olive-sided Flycatcher

Brown Violetear

Sickle-winged Guan

Silver-beaked Tanager

White-necked Jacobin

White-crowned Tapaculo

Andean Cock of the Rock

Collared Trogon

Many-spotted Hummingbird

Spotted Nightingale-Thrush

Wire-crested Thorntail

Black-mantled Tamarin Monkey

Green Hermit

Green Hermit

Brown Violetear

Russet-backed Oropendola

Black-billed Thrush

Gorgeted Woodstar

Spotted Nightingale-Thrush

Collared Trogon

White-chested Puffbird

Brown Violetear

Violet-fronted Brilliant

Golden-tailed Sapphire

Napo Sabrewing

Brown Violetear

Brown Violetear

Brown Violetear

Black-mantled Tamarin Monkey

Black-faced Antbird

Black-faced Antbird

White-chested Puffbird

Black-faced Antbird

White-chested Puffbird

Plain Antvireo

Canada Warbler

Peruvian Warbling-Antbird

Andean Cock of the Rock

Andean Cock of the Rock

Yellow-throated Toucan

White-eyed Parakeet

Blackburnian Warbler

Tropical Parula

Golden-faced Tyrannulet

Blackish Rail

Olivaceous Woodcreeper

Olive-backed Woodcreeper

Olive-backed Woodcreeper

Black-throated Brilliant

Black-throated Brilliant

Many-spotted Hummingbird

Green-backed Hillstar

Many-spotted Hummingbird

White-throated Tyrannulet

White-throated Tyrannulet

Lacrimose Mountain-tanager

Lacrimose Mountain-tanager

Scarlet-bellied Mountain-tanager

Scarlet-bellied Mountain-tanager

Red-crested Cotinga

Red-crested Cotinga

Red-crested Cotinga

Russet Antshrike